Conference Day Two - Thursday, May 1, 2025

7:30 am Registration & Coffee

8:25 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Manufacturing Morning: Scaling up Peptide Manufacturing & Logistics for Effective Distribution of GLP-1s

8:30 am Roundtable: Early Considerations for Manufacturing GLP-1s to Streamline Processes & Reduce Delays


  • Ensuring the build of a resilient supply chain to minimize disruption and ensure on time delivery of GLP-1s to patients
  • Discussing the importance of process optimization in reducing cost of goods and scaling up GLP-1 manufacturing processes
  • Identifying and mitigating potential risks throughout the manufacturing and distribution process ahead of time to overcome challenges pre-emptively 

Uncovering the Next Frontier of GLP-1 Based Therapeutics: Novel Strategies for Enhanced Therapeutic Impact

9:30 am Reserved for Antaros Medical – Expertise Partner

10:00 am Leveraging Gene Therapy Approaches to Promote Durable Weight Loss & Overcome Challenges in Patient Adherence


  • Advancing incretin-based therapies designed to be a one-time therapy for long-term remission of type 2 diabetes
  • Permanently altering metabolic hormone response in pancreatic islet cells
  • Uncovering strategies to maintain body composition and glycemia after semaglutide withdrawal

10:30 am Morning Refreshments

11:00 am Examining the Genetic Risk Factors in the Efficacy of GLP-1 Agonists


  • Understanding how patient variability affects the response to GLP-1 therapeutics
  • Exploring the resistance that can be seen to slowed gastric emptying
  • Genetic effects on incretin signaling 

12:00 pm Novel Peptide Based Therapy to Increase GLP-1 levels Naturally


  • GLP-1 levels Naturally
  • AI based peptide discovery platform developed to create specific potent activating peptide based therapeutics
  • The peptides cause increase in the level of GLP1 in the same pathway used by natural intake of food
  • This approach cause release of GLP-1 to blood stream with less side effects and high satiety feeling

12:30 pm Session Reserved for Promega

12:40 pm xRNA-encoded GLP1 agonist: the Goldilocks solution for safe, durable and titratable therapy


  • xRNA is a synthetic, chemically decorated version of mRNA with longer duration of effect
  • We developed xGLP-1, an xRNA version to introduce GLP-1 peptides, while optimizing the sequence, chemistry and payload to boost in vivo potency and durability by several orders of magnitude
  • Two routes of administration support the opportunity for possible self-administration and various combination therapies

1:10 pm Lunch & Networking

Turbocharging GLP-1 Durability & Patient Support to Drive the Long-Term Maintenance of Weight Loss

2:10 pm Panel Discussion: Navigating Best Practices to Promote Patient Adherence to GLP-1s for Good Quality, Durable Weight Loss


  • Discussing the value of support in lifestyle choices to support the healthy and productive administration of GLP-1s – should it be compulsory to provide lifestyle management programs along with GLP-1 therapeutics
  • Understanding financial barriers to adherence such as changing insurance landscape for weight loss drugs
  • Highlighting the importance of education and support to ensure that GLP-1s are given to suitable patients

Assessing GLP-1s as a ‘Do it All’ Product & Future Directions Beyond Obesity & Metabolism Indications

2:40 pm Innovative Dual-Target Therapy for Obesity: Combining an oral GLP-1 Agonist with an oral Isoform Selective AMPK Activator`

  • David Bearss President & Chief Executive Officer ,Co-Founder, Biolexis Therapeutics


  • Mechanistic Synergy: BLX-7006, an oral GLP-1 agonist, promotes appetite suppression and glucose regulation, while BLX-0871, an oral isoform-selective AMPK activator, enhances skeletal muscle glucose uptake and lipid metabolism. Together, they address obesity through complementary pathways.
  • Preclinical Evidence: Results from animal models demonstrate enhanced weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and significant metabolic improvements with the combined use of BLX-7006 and BLX-0871 compared to monotherapy.
  • Future Clinical Potential: This dual-target strategy represents a next-generation approach to obesity treatment, offering the potential to overcome current therapeutic plateaus and address the underlying metabolic dysfunctions driving obesity

3:10 pm Panel Discussion: Discussing the Future of GLP-1s: Applications Beyond Obesity & Future Challenges

  • Hong Chen Director, Search & Evaluation: USA, Novo Nordisk
  • Jay Caplan Founder & President, Fractyl Health


  • Advancing the reach of GLP-1-based treatments past obesity and metabolism, into neurology and beyond
  • Exploring the maintenance of scientific validity in future studies of GLP-1s as the percentage of the population taking these therapies increases
  • Considering the impact of generic forms of GLP-1s on the current commercial landscape of the incretin field

3:40 pm Chairs Closing Remarks

3:50 pm End of Conference Day Two